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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/10/24

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Monday, October 24, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.
Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM  
Review of Items for Signature
Motion to approve the following CZC’S: Parcel ID 0239-0001-0000, 26 Wilderness Park, Colleen Raiche for Joanne Chase. Parcel ID 0145-0003-0000, 48 Bay Road, Curtis & Barbara Flight. Parcel ID 0238-0023-0000, 137 Nutting Road, Bruce & Linda Herd. Parcel ID 0122-0015-0000, 242 Garnet Hill Road, Barbara & David Calhoun Camp David, LLC by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit: Parcel ID 0147-0019-0000, 563 Route 103, Double Diamond Restaurant by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Intent to Cut: Parcel ID 0233-0015-0000, Stagecoach Road, RH Webb Forest Preserve, LLC. Parcel ID 0237-0006-0000, Stagecoach Road & Harding Hill Road, V-OZ Asset Management Co by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Property Tax Credit: Parcel ID 0127-0035-0007, 24A Overlook at Indian Cave, Jerry Irwin Guberman by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
Selectman Gottling has the following October 11th minutes corrections: Page 2
Change the word approportions to apportionments.

Public Comments
•Steve White on behalf of the Alternate Waste Committee came to the Board after the committee received a letter from Mary Lou Atkinson requesting an area at the Transfer Station where useable furniture and household items can be deposited. According to Steve White, the committee thinks it would be a good idea, but the committee realizes there would be costs to the town. Chairman Gallup agreed with the committee that it wasn’t a bad idea, but the only way it will work is that it is supervised and it will still cost the resident to drop off items at the Transfer Station. Chairman Gallup feels the Board should talk to Tony Bergeron and see what his thoughts are regarding this issue. According to Steve White, Tony Bergeron and Tom Bennett were both negative only because they know they couldn’t just go ahead and start the program. Chairman Gallup asked to have it reviewed during the budget process.      
•Chairman Gallup wanted to comment that he had received the Library mailer and thought it was well done. Donna Nashawaty asked Peter Urbach if there will be an amended library purchase & sales agreement with the language of what is happening with the water and sewer piece. Peter Urbach replied that it was left with Charlie Hirschberg, who was going to work with David Bailey on revised as-builts. Peter Urbach will follow-up with Charlie Hirschberg.   

Selectmen Action
Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities form for Harbor House Livery Exploratory Subcommittee to use the Safety Services Building on October 25th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling.  All in Favor.
•Motion to reappoint Patricia Halpin to the Recreation Committee by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.  
Chairman Gallup tabled the discussion on building permit approval until the next meeting so that Selectman Roach and Selectman Smith could be involved in the discussion.
•Donna Nashawaty handed out two sample or “draft” fireworks ordinance from the Town Attorney, which includes one that needs a permit. Donna Nashawaty went on to say the Board would have to decide the dollar amount of fines, what hours, days of week and other limitations you would like to see as a Board. A notice of a public hearing would then be posted and the public hearing held to adopt the ordinance. Selectman Gottling asked if the major difference between the two draft ordinances was that one required a permit, Donna Nashawaty said it was. Selectman Brown stated that in the summer there are tenants renting properties and the homeowner might not physically be in the area, so the Board would have to find a way to have a permit where the property owner knows what’s going on at his property. Donna Nashawaty said the permit would be handled the same way building permits are handled, where the property owner would have to sign the permit. Chairman Gallup said the Board needs to study the draft ordinances, but the first thing that jumps out at him is the hours. In Chairman Gallup’s opinion no one would be bothering with them at 5:00PM and they should be done by 10:00PM. Donna Nashawaty stated that this would not apply to the Recreation Department or Yacht Club, who are Class B “Display” fireworks and get their permit from the state for Fourth of July. Linda Johnson asked if the Board had gotten anymore ordinances from other towns. Donna Nashawaty said the “draft” ordinances came from the Town Attorney who represents other municipalities around the state. Donna Nashawaty was looking for an ordinance that could be enforced, that’s why she looked for legal guidance. After some discussion, Donna Nashawaty asked the Board members if they favored the permitting process, they responded they did. Donna Nashawaty asked that the Board members take home the permitting draft ordinance and look it over for some of the specifics that you would like in the ordinance, Donna Nashawaty will let Selectman Smith and Selectman Roach know to look over the permitting “draft” ordinance for discussion with the entire Board.          

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup read the letter from Rosemary & Hess Gates regarding two concerns:
Tilton Park Safety-this concern was first expressed during the review meeting of the High Street/Route 103B intersection redesign. The consensus was the new intersection design would significantly reduce traffic speeds on High Street. The Gates letter asked for additional measures that would address pedestrian safety particularly on Route 103B and the response was “that will be looked into”. Donna Nashawaty stated that due to the bad spring, compounded by Hurricane Irene there are no funds in the budget for the High Street/Route 103B intersection. Donna Nashawaty and Tony Bergeron talked about placing two pedestrian signs in both directions, which has to be recommended by the Highway Safety Committee. The thought was putting a crosswalk might give people a false sense that it’s safe to cross there. It would also need state approval. Donna Nashawaty suggested that this issue be forwarded to the Highway Safety Committee for discussion.
Streetlight Reduction Program-the Gates supported this program and thought it was well conceived, well organized and communicated clearly to the residents. However, its implementation did not seem to follow the plan presented to the residents, according to the Gates. The letter went on to say that the streetlight on the north side of their property at 49 High Street did not have a “removal placard” on it and was removed. This light has provided critical safety lighting to the Gates Bed & Breakfast guests walking to/from the harbor. The Gates requested a new program be defined and communicated for any proposed “moved” streetlights and a subsequent review meeting be scheduled. Donna Nashawaty said that the point of the Lighting Committee was to make sure intersections and places where cars were pulling out onto the roadway were lit. It was for safety purposes for traveling, not necessarily for sidewalks and private property. There was no sign on this light post because it was being moved to the intersection of High/Elm Street. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that it was very clear during the public hearings that some poles might be moved to intersections. The Gates spoke to Donna Nashawaty on the day the light was being moved and expressed that they had no problem with it being moved, but just wish they knew beforehand so they could have put up their own light, which is slightly different than what the Gates wrote in the letter. Donna Nashawaty apologized, the town didn’t think moving the light to light up the intersection would take away from someone’s private property. Chairman Gallup stated that the purpose was to get away from the town paying to light up someone’s private yard. Chairman Gallup said he has not gone up at night to view where the light is, but trusts Tony Bergeron’s judgment. Donna Nashawaty said it was the town’s fault that a removal sign was not put on that light post.            
Selectman Gottling reported on the Coalition meeting that she attended last Friday in Concord. Dick Leone also attended the meeting.

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty went over the Perkins Pond financing options; about a year ago the Board was given projections of 2010 costs. The homeowner is responsible for purchasing the pump, and purchasing the services of a contractor to connect the pump to the main line that will be put into Perkins Pond roads. The sewer users around Perkins Pond would pay to connect and a monthly fee for the bond. The general taxation would pay to go from Ryder Corner Road, back to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Donna Nashawaty wanted to make sure that was the general understanding of the Board. Donna Nashawaty is struggling with how to make this affordable for the Perkins Pond homeowners to purchase their $5000 pump. The pump and the connection to the road is the homeowners’ responsibility. Donna Nashawaty will work with the Water & Sewer Department to see what the options are. Selectman Brown asked if there were pump houses along that way that can collect from a certain number of homes, Donna Nashawaty replied there was not. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that a pump house adds an enormous expense; additional maintenance expense because the generator need to be maintained and inspected. Donna Nashawaty fully intends to have a number during the budget process.
A public hearing will be held on the bond issue and then there will be a warrant article on the warrant this year.    
•Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with the Harbor House Livery inventory list with pictures that was done by Jo Hill and Eileen Stiles. Jo Hill and Eileen Stiles would like to get the stuff out of the building and the town doesn’t know where to put the stuff or who owns the stuff. Chairman Gallup said that looking at the pictures there are some items that are presently being stored that probably could make a quick trip to the transfer station; old mattresses, plastic milk jugs. Donna Nashawaty can get Tony Bergeron, Craig and David to take the garbage to the Transfer Station, but does not know what to do with the rest of the items. Donna Nashawaty asked Jo Hill and Eileen Stiles to see if they could find the owners of some of the stuff. Selectman Brown asked what the hurry was in cleaning out the building. Donna Nashawaty said that maybe Jo Hill and Eileen Stiles thought if the building was cleaned out it would look more refurbishable. Donna Nashawaty will get the trash out and then go from there. Selectman Brown would like to be asked to review the contents before they are disposed of.           

Meeting Adjourned at 8:34PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith